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April 20, 2010

That boring government show

Politicians have a knack for being outlandish, as well as insanely boring. Nicole Mills looks back at her evolving opinion of the political circus, from her days waiting for Sesame Street to start, to her current love affair with the political media.

That boring government show

Politicians have a knack for being outlandish, as well as insanely boring. Nicole Mills looks back at her evolving opinion of the political circus, from her days waiting for Sesame Street to start, to her current love affair with the political media.

more from April 20, 2010

Sex, lies and video games

Around 90% of the most popular video games contain some form of violence. Significantly less contain nudity or sexual activity. So is violence more acceptable than sex? Matt de Neef investigates.

That boring government show

Politicians have a knack for being outlandish, as well as insanely boring. Nicole Mills looks back at her evolving opinion of the political circus, from her days waiting for Sesame Street to start, to her current love affair with the political media.