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May 21, 2013

QandA Scorecard: The nadir

Eric George and Timothy Arendshorst subject themselves to a woeful episode of QandA in the hope of delivering a “winner” in this week’s QandA scorecard.

Sticks and Stones

Homophobic language is not only hurtful, it’s life threatening according to Timothy Arendshorst.

Baz’s classic twist

Baz Luhrmann’s modernised take on 1920s classic The Great Gatsby has sparked much debate. Erin Lyons discusses the reasons behind the hip-hop fuelled soundtrack.

QandA Scorecard: The nadir

Eric George and Timothy Arendshorst subject themselves to a woeful episode of QandA in the hope of delivering a “winner” in this week’s QandA scorecard.

Sticks and Stones

Homophobic language is not only hurtful, it’s life threatening according to Timothy Arendshorst.

Baz’s classic twist

Baz Luhrmann’s modernised take on 1920s classic The Great Gatsby has sparked much debate. Erin Lyons discusses the reasons behind the hip-hop fuelled soundtrack.

more from May 21, 2013

Kevin Rudd at La Trobe University

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will launch Australia-Africa Dialogue with a public lecture today at La Trobe University.

QandA Scorecard: The nadir

Eric George and Timothy Arendshorst subject themselves to a woeful episode of QandA in the hope of delivering a “winner” in this week’s QandA scorecard.

Sticks and Stones

Homophobic language is not only hurtful, it’s life threatening according to Timothy Arendshorst.

Baz’s classic twist

Baz Luhrmann’s modernised take on 1920s classic The Great Gatsby has sparked much debate. Erin Lyons discusses the reasons behind the hip-hop fuelled soundtrack.

Crime without the time

When will Australian courts start enforcing tougher penalties on those who torture animals, asks Tara Watson.

Toxic pout

While cosmetics enhance your exterior beauty, some may have hidden interior dangers, writes Zainab Hussain Shihab.

Finding Fair Trade

Want to buy Fair Trade but don’t know where to go? Stephanie Azzopardi says that ethical shopping is easier than you think.

Neumann not ready for time out

When it’s an election year, the gloves are put on and the politician’s come out swinging. Shayne Neumann is one Labor MP who is adamant not to take that knock out blow, writes Simone McInnes.