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Controversial game? Call the Hotline

Devolver Digital has landed itself in hot water over a scene in its latest video game. Was an Australian ban on the game fair? asks Kieran Balmaceda.

Games and gatherings

Lauren Colosimo and Julian Gasparri explore the gaming store Good Games, which has a unique setup to bring the community of traditional gamers together.

Controversial game? Call the Hotline

Devolver Digital has landed itself in hot water over a scene in its latest video game. Was an Australian ban on the game fair? asks Kieran Balmaceda.

Games and gatherings

Lauren Colosimo and Julian Gasparri explore the gaming store Good Games, which has a unique setup to bring the community of traditional gamers together.

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Controversial game? Call the Hotline

Devolver Digital has landed itself in hot water over a scene in its latest video game. Was an Australian ban on the game fair? asks Kieran Balmaceda.

Games and gatherings

Lauren Colosimo and Julian Gasparri explore the gaming store Good Games, which has a unique setup to bring the community of traditional gamers together.