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James Briggs

100 articles – ‘How SEO is changing journalism’

What is search engine optimisation and why do journalists need to know about it? For our 100 articles project, James Briggs selects this seminal explanation by Shane Richmond of how SEO is changing journalism.

100 articles – ‘Blog off, you still need journalism’

Much as been said about the relationship between blogging and journalism. But as James Briggs argues in this selection for our 100 articles project, few have said it quite as well as Jason Whittaker, who has recently been appointed the Deputy Editor of Crikey.

100 articles – ‘How SEO is changing journalism’

What is search engine optimisation and why do journalists need to know about it? For our 100 articles project, James Briggs selects this seminal explanation by Shane Richmond of how SEO is changing journalism.

100 articles – ‘Blog off, you still need journalism’

Much as been said about the relationship between blogging and journalism. But as James Briggs argues in this selection for our 100 articles project, few have said it quite as well as Jason Whittaker, who has recently been appointed the Deputy Editor of Crikey.

more from James Briggs

Alex Wake – Working Journalist profile

Being a journalist is part of a blended career brew for Alex Wake, who has worked as everything from a country newspaper reporter to a ministerial press secretary. She is currently lecturing in journalism at RMIT while completing her PhD. James Briggs spoke to her for our Working Journalist project.

100 articles – ‘How SEO is changing journalism’

What is search engine optimisation and why do journalists need to know about it? For our 100 articles project, James Briggs selects this seminal explanation by Shane Richmond of how SEO is changing journalism.

100 articles – ‘Blog off, you still need journalism’

Much as been said about the relationship between blogging and journalism. But as James Briggs argues in this selection for our 100 articles project, few have said it quite as well as Jason Whittaker, who has recently been appointed the Deputy Editor of Crikey.