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We’ve got this one covered

Imitation may be the highest form of flattery — unless it’s a cover version, in which case it can be a byword for an artist suffering creative exhaustion. But when an artist reinvents a song, the cover version can be a thing of beauty.

Smells like Stairway to Heaven

20 years after the first Hottest 100, Lawrie Zion tried to predict this year’s top 20. Now he’s taking a stab at guessing what’s going to top the chart in nine years time.

We’ve got this one covered

Imitation may be the highest form of flattery — unless it’s a cover version, in which case it can be a byword for an artist suffering creative exhaustion. But when an artist reinvents a song, the cover version can be a thing of beauty.

Smells like Stairway to Heaven

20 years after the first Hottest 100, Lawrie Zion tried to predict this year’s top 20. Now he’s taking a stab at guessing what’s going to top the chart in nine years time.

more from Radiohead

Hot or not

As Triple J’s Hottest 100 of the last twenty years is released, Tara Watson revisits some of the questionably ranked songs, from Chumbawamba to Pauline Pantsdown.

We’ve got this one covered

Imitation may be the highest form of flattery — unless it’s a cover version, in which case it can be a byword for an artist suffering creative exhaustion. But when an artist reinvents a song, the cover version can be a thing of beauty.

Smells like Stairway to Heaven

20 years after the first Hottest 100, Lawrie Zion tried to predict this year’s top 20. Now he’s taking a stab at guessing what’s going to top the chart in nine years time.