What shapes the way elections are covered?
To find out there is an open invitation to join Tony Walker (Australian Financial Review) and Josh Gordon (The Age) for the launch of UniPollWatch 2016. The launch will also include discussion about federal politics and will be held at La Trobe University’s Bundoora campus next week.
UniPollWatch is a unique endeavour involving students from across the country combining to cover all of the nation’s federal electorates.
WHEN: Monday 14th March, 1pm-2pm
WHERE: PW219, Peribolas West Building, La Trobe University, Bundoora
Guest speakers and La Trobe academics will cover topics including how the media addresses the concerns of first time voters, do all issues get adequate attention and how much new players like BuzzFeed shape the way politics is covered.
La Trobe’s contribution to the UniPollWatch project will be supported by the Department of Communications and Media and the Department of Politics and Philosophy at the university.