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Watch Mark Scott’s A N Smith Lecture in Journalism

ABC Managing Director Mark Scott says big media empires are out of step with young media consumers.

ABC Managing Director Mark Scott last night portrayed media barons as out of touch with young media consumers and in denial about the changes overtaking the media business.

‘Rupert Murdoch, the man who just four years ago said he wanted to “make the necessary cultural changes to meet the new demands of the digital native”, says he’s not going to respond to the demands of these digital natives. Instead, they — who have never in their lives paid for news online — will be asked to respond instead to his demands and start paying,” Scott said.

Mr Scott was delivering the A. N. Smith Lecture in Journalism hosted by the University of Melbourne.

Read a full transcript or watch the lecture below

Click the image to view Mr Scott's lecture
Click to view Mr Scott's lecture

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